Computer Aided Design


The software we will be mainly using for this topic is called Fusion 360

Here are some online resources that I use to design a number of things inside Fusion 360

  1. The University of Warwick
  2. Product Design Online Youtube channel
  3. AutoDesk tutorials

Softwares used in this topic

Free softwares

  1. GIMP
  2. Inkscape
  3. Paint

Paid softwares

  1. Photoshop
  2. Illustrator
  3. Coreldraw
  4. Fusion 360,free for a year

2D Software

My favourite 2D software is Clip Studio Paint(CSP)

I use CSP a lot mainly to draw art in my course , additionally it also have many features similar to that of photoshop.

Scaling , croping and resizing photos



Resizing/Free transforming

Vector lines

CSP can also generate vector lines

Mini projects using Fusion 360

To start off this new topic we used Fusion 360 to create a very simple object uing very basic methods.

The first mini project we did is a name tag

Name Tag


  1. Click on create sketch, choose a plane and create a rectangle
  2. Use the fillet tool to round the edges of the sketch
  3. Use the Extrude tool,or press E, and select the sketch
  4. Extrude the rectangle to the desired thickness
  5. Click on create sketch again , click on the top face
  6. drag select everything and go to modify/offset
  7. type in a negative value depending on thick you want the edges to be
  8. Finish sketch , select inner face and extrude downwards
  9. create sketch again and select Text, Choose font , adjust size and type in any text
  10. Extrude text upwards
  11. To make a hole , create new sketch , create a circle and downward extrude
  12. change operation to cut and press ok

Egg Cup


  1. Create sketch and select centre diam circle , plaace a circle in the origin
  2. choose a plane and make the diameter 38mm
  3. Right click on the circle and click offset plane
  4. move the offset circle by 18mm vertically
  5. Repeat step 1 to 3 but move the offset plane for circle 3 and 4 by 20mm, with diameter 30mm and 44mm respectively
  6. Finish sketch and select the loft tool
  7. Click every circle with new body as its operation
  8. select shell tool and click top circle
  9. Make the thickness 2mm and you are done

Laser cut box

First set up parameters so that it will easier to change the dimensions of the laser cut box after modelling everything

Parameter settings can be found under modify tab

  • Length: 100mm
  • Thickness: 3mm
  • width: 60mm
  • height: 80mm
  • ntabs_l: 5 units
  • ntabs_w: 3 units
  • ntabs_h: 3 units
  • note:does not have to be these exact measurments

    ntab is short form for number of tabs


The first piece we are going to create is the Front piece

  1. create>new component and name it "Front"
  2. create sketch and choose the Y and Z axis plane
  3. Starting from the origin point , drag and create a 2 point rectangle of any size
  4. Select the line tool and turn on construction, drag and create 3 lines across the rectangle as shown below.It does not matter where you place them at this point,we will use parameters to fix the distances later.
  5. Select sketch dimension tool and click on 2 lines to control the distance between them.
  6. when Fusion 360 prompts you for a measurement, type in the name of the coresponding parameter, as show above
  7. you can also use a slash symbol / , to divide the parameter , hence the function of the ntabs parameter.

  8. Input the measurements shown below
  9. Next draw a construction line horizontally right in the middle of the rectangle,Fusion 360 will show a triangle symbol when your cursor at the middle point.
  10. Select the mirror tool under the create tab
  11. For mirror line , select the middle line , for objects select the small rectangle to the left.
  12. Finish the sketch and you should get something like this

  13. Extrude the sketch by 3mm with operation as "new body"
  14. Create a new component,name it "left", and create a sketch on the left face
  15. Create a rectangle of any size and use the collinear tool,under constraints to fit it to the front piece
  16. Use the same techniques in the previous step to get the left piece as shown below
  17. Finish and Extrude the sketch
  18. Select the combine tool , under Modify tab
  19. Target bodies: Left piece , Tool bodies: Front piece , Operation: Cut , Keep tool: Ticked , New component: unticked

  20. Next under Construct tab, select mid plane and select two sides of the front piece
  21. Create>mirror Pattern type: Components Objects:Left piece Mirror plane: Mid plane

    Repeat for the Front piece

  22. Combine and cut the pieces
  23. Finally for the base piece ,Create a new component and Select the reference face for sketch
  24. Use the same techniques for the other faces , combine and cut